OneShot – Pregens

Hey, so its been a while. But the pregenerated characters took longer to complete than I expected, mostly because of the Aspects.

I’m really excited to run this game, but despite what it looks like by my posts, I’m still new to DFRPG. Aspects play such a pivotal role to the Fate point economy that I didn’t want these pregens to be “flawed”. Who knows, maybe they still are. We’ll have to see how they play “out of the box” as it were.

So here we go. I’ve only got the two players, so two pregen PCs. You’ll notice that they don’t have all 5 story aspects — I want to leave two that the players can work on before the game.

Pregen Character #1

Name: Teddy Ursavus Template: Were-form

High Concept: Werebear Cabbie Trouble: The Spirit Drives Me

Background: Small town farm boy from Vernon, BC. Youngest of a family of six. Loved to hunt with Pa’. Moved to the Big City (Victoria) to attend university, but brought the country charm with him. Aspect: You Need a Hand?

What Shaped You: One day Teddy and Pa were out hunting and stumbled upon a bear cub — and a breath later, it’s mother. She wasted no time taking a large swipe out of Pa’s face. All time stopped for Teddy, at which point he was visited by a Fae spirit named Ker Modei. Ker offered him the opportunity to “awaken the spirit within the blood” that would give him the power to save his father. Teddy agreed, and suddenly he was back, but he was larger and stronger, and tearing the mother bear apart with his hands and teeth! Afterwards Teddy took his Pa to the hospital, but he died several days later. Ker returned to collect on the favour, but Teddy argued that since her favour didn’t save his father, so he was not in her debt. Aspect: Bloody Spirit

What Was Your First Adventure: When a pack of Red Court vampires follow Teddy back home on Christmas Eve, Teddy tries to take care of them without alerting his family. But will Teddy succeed when a RCMP officer finds him starting a brawl in a Hell’s Angels bar? Aspect: Never Met A Brawl I Didn’t Like

Skills: Rapport (+5), Driving (+4), Guns (+4), Endurance (+3), Contacts (+3), Resources (+2), Scholarship (+2), Weapons (+2), Might (+2), Survival (+2), Alertness (+1), Athletics (+1), Fists (+1), Investigation (+1), Intimidation (+1), Craftmanship (+1)

Skills (Were-form): Fists (+5), Alertness (+4), Athletics (+4), Endurace (+3), Might (+3),Resources (+2), Scholarship (+2), Weapons (+2), Rapport (+2), Survival (+2), Investigation (+1), Intimidation (+1), Craftmanship (+1), Driving (+1), Guns (+1), Contacts (+1)

Stunts & Powers: Beast Change (-1), Echoes of the Beast (-1), *Human Form (+1), Inhuman Strength (-2)*, Inhuman Recovery (-2)*, The Catch (+1, Silver weapons)*, Lethal Weapon (-1, Fists), Like The Back of My Hand (-1, Driving)

Refresh 4

Stress: Phys 4; Mental 2; Social 2

Pregen Character #2

Name: Nathan Olfist Template: Red Court Infected

High Concept: Infected Black Belt Trouble: Son Of “The Dragon”

Background: Grew up in a single-mother household. Nathan’s father, “The Dragon”, abandoned the family to sell drugs in Vancouver. In his early twenties, Nathan took the mantle of the head of household, as his father returned and got his mother hook ed on heroin. Aspect:  The Provider

What Shaped You: Strung out on drugs, Nathan’s mother became a homeless street junkie who would not return to live with Nathan anymore. One day Nathan committed himself to finding her and putting her in a rehab facility. So he walked the streets for weeks until one night he finally found her, passed out in an alley. Standing over her were two Red Court flunkies, drooling over their next meal. Nathan attacked the thugs, but became infected in the combat. Aspect: Avid Doorcrasher

What Was Your First Adventure: When the Vancouver chapter of the Fellowship of St. Giles is attacked by a group of Reds, Nathan opens his home to house the survivors. But will Nathan succeed in stemming the bloodshed when Duke Antonio Alvarez arrives with another round of troops? Aspect: Bring It On!

Skills: Weapons (+5), Discipline (+4), Fists (+4), Endurance (+3),  Investigation (+3), Resources (+2), Guns (+2), Might (+2), Alertness (+2), Athletics (+2), Burglary (+1), Intimidation (+1), Lore (+1), Presence (+1), Contacts (+1), Stealth (+1)

Stunts & Powers: Addictive Saliva (-1), Blood Drinker (-1), Feeding Dependency (+1), Inhuman Recovery (-2), The Catch (+1, “holy stuff”), Inhuman Strength (-2), Tattoos of St. Giles (-2), Filthy Lucre (-1, Resources)

Refresh 2

Stress: Phys (4); Mental (2); Social (3); Hunger (6)

That’s them! Now I’ll let the players finish off the last two aspects, and they’ll be ready. Next, I think I’ll work on some NPCs to support the oneshot.

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